July 31, 2017 (week 94)


This week was good. We had transfers and…….. im not being transferred. But I have a new companion! Elder Tem from Guatamala! Hes a missionary that I know pretty well already and im definitely excited to work with him! Im not going to lie, I was looking forward to being transferred but oh well, Im definitely excited to be with elder tem, hes kind of crazy and I can already tell this transfer will be fun! On to the 7th transfer in the area haha

Charles was baptized!! He is unbelievable.. honestly usually when something is going perfect with an investigator something is wrong or something happens, but with him nope. He was able to leave old habits without difficulties, learned everything super fast and extremely well, received an answer to his prayer in a remarkable way and even with his family (super catholic) questioning him, he never doubted that he should be baptized. Charles is the man! Its really incredible how the Lord is blessing us in our area right now.

So we honestly dont have many investigators but Elder Tem and I are excited to find some! Although honestly I dont think we’ll have much time in the area this transfer.

We taught a lesson with Mateus (who was baptized two weeks ago) which was a highlight of the week for sure! He wanted really bad to come teaching with us and the lesson with him was very special. The person we taught didnt end up being that interested but it was great to hear mateus’s testemony, so so pure! He struggled to describe the feelings hes had over this weeks but you can just see it that he knows its all true and he knows how much he is being blessed.

But the best part of the week was that Francileno, Josiane and Enzo (from my first area) went to the temple and were sealed for time and all eternity!!!!!!! The missionary that is serving in their area brought me a picture and a letter they wrote me. They are so so so special. I almost cried opening the picture seeing the three in front of the temple. Honestly if the only thing that I helped acomplish on my mission was finding and teaching that family, I would be more that happy. It makes me so happy just writing about them. Now they are an eternal family! Ill attatch the picture they sent me and that of their baptism.

Well I dont think theres much else, hope all is well at home!

Elder Lawrence

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